Death Machines (1976)

Rating: *
Review Date: 3/25/10
Cast: Ron Marchini, Joshua Johnson, Michael Chong, Ron Ackerman, John Lowe, cameos by Eric Lee, Ralph Catellanos

Ugh. Painfully bad, and it gets worse the longer it goes. Madame Lee runs a hit squad of three mind controlled martial artists consisting of Ron Marchini, Joshua Johnson, and Michael Chong. They're assigned to take out a rival boss and assume his contracts, but they're extremely violent, messy, and sloppy. After slaying an entire martial arts school to reach their intended target, a lone survivor (John Lowe) manages to escape and becomes a key witness for the police. He spends most of the film being depressed about the loss of his right hand, but that doesn't stop him from getting it on with a nurse at the hospital and tracking down Madame Lee's headquarters. Incoherent and simply awful on all accounts. The only noteworthy scene is when they blow up an airplane. Director Paul Kyriazi would use a lot of the same players for his next action film, "Weapons Of Death" (1982).